Sunday 6 December 2009

What's Hopi Prophecy Got to Do With 2012?

What's Hopi Prophecy Got to Do With 2012?

Author: Ernie Fitzpatrick

How’d you like to live in an enenvironment where you are surrounded on all sides by your enemies? I am not talking about Israel, but the Hopi Indian tribe. Less than 7,000 Hopi live within the Navajo reservation: within! And the Navajo were their avowed enemies. Maybe it was that constant danger, that need to rely upon the spiritual that led them to such mystical lifestyles. And may they have been wrong on one of their prophecies.

Hopi tradition says that we are living in the Fourth World.

According to legend, this fourth world will end an America will be destroyed in a spiritual conflict. Could they have forseen the Islamic-Christian conflict? Were they fore-telling of the war on terror , and if not, what spiritual conflict could they be speaking? The ancient elders go on to say that the spiritual conflict will be fought with material means and the destruction will be caused by radiation.

Dirty bomb?

Nuclear war?

But, the end of the prophecy says that those who survive this conflict will institute a new united world without racial or ideological division and under the one power of the Creator! Now that sounds like something worth surviving for, doesn’t it. I just don’t like what the prophecy says we’ll have to go through, but then no one likes any kind of pain do they?

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Article Source: - What's Hopi Prophecy Got to Do With 2012?

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